Text Box: For a Student Who is NOT Currently Eligible for Special Education Services (does not have an IEP)​
Secure signed parental consent for an initial evaluation for a student who is not yet eligible for special education services.
On the Prior Notice-Consent for Evaluation form, check the appropriate evaluations to be completed based on the referral information (ability, achievement, behavior, adaptive behavior, language, etc.). In addition, check Autism Screen. Mail the Prior Notice-Consent for Evaluation with all other referral paperwork to the Cornbelt Cooperative office.
Upon completion of the evaluation, hold a MDT meeting to review the results of the evaluations and make a determination if the student is eligible for special education services and/or make a determination if an autism evaluation is needed.
If the MDT determines an autism evaluation is needed, complete the LifeScape "Request for Outreach Services” form. Under the section “Other” check the subsection “Autism Evaluation”. Fax (605-271-3312) or email (Jodi.Stowell@lifescapesd.org) this form to LifeScape with a signed parental consent for evaluation.
For a Student Who is Currently Eligible for Special Education Services (has an IEP)
Secure signed parental consent for an additional evaluation for the student and check Autism Screen on the Prior Notice-Consent for Evaluation of the consent form and mail the form,, along with other referral paperwork to the Cornbelt Cooperative office.
Hold an IEP team meeting to review the student’s present level of academic and functional performance, including progress monitoring data, as well as the results of the autism screening measures and any other evaluation data collected.
Upon completion of the IEP team review the team should make a determination if an autism evaluation is needed.
If the IEP team determines an autism evaluation is needed, complete the LifeScape “Request for Outreach Services” form. Under the section “Other” check the subsection “Autism Evaluation”. Fax (605-271-3312) or email (Jodi.Stowell@lifescapesd.org) this form to LifeScape with a signed parental consent for evaluation